Video Tutorials  Task Generators


Improve your drawings by practicing the fundamentals of light, shadow & thinking in 3D.

Drawing accurately is one thing, but to understand how to apply accurate light and shadow will bring you a step closer to creating better drawings. 

 Video Tutorials  Task Generators


Learn to draw the Human Face correctly through Active Learning!

You'll be prompted with drawing tasks that condition you to learn the key fundamental principles require to draw believable faces.

 Video Tutorials  Task Generators


Master the fundamentals of anatomy and drawing the human figure.

Drawing anatomical figures and gesturful poses is a sure way to improving our art, but are we getting the most out of the poses simply by just copying what we see?

Art Task Generators are designed to help you to improve Fundamental Art Skills .

It's one thing to have great ideas, but if you don't have the foundational art skills to execute them then they'll simply be lost on the viewer! In order to help your Art ideas stand out you'll need to have your Art Fundamental skills down. These Art Task Generators will help to build you up into a great artist through a practical learning process.

The Drawing Crash Course Tasks are a great place to start, be sure to check out the Drawing Art Tutorials.

 Video Tutorials  Task Generators


Become a better artist by practicing unique art tasks on the rules of composition.

Composition can make or break your drawing, so make sure you learn the fundamental rules of composition and design so you can apply them to your art!

A focused way to study from the most Masterful Painters of all time!

To become the best, you need to learn from the best... And that's exactly what these Master Painting studies do for you.

Warming up for any skill based activity is important, so why not practice art before you start?

 Video Tutorials  Task Generators


Learn to draw perfect perspective and improve your drawing skills today!

Perspective is a fundamental drawing tool required by any artist that wants to be competent at drawing accurately, especially those pursuing a career as an artist or designer.

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