These FanArt Fusion idea generator takes the best of, and over 10,000 of the most iconic characters from Movies, TV, Games, Comics and clashes 2 of them together to inspire completely new character concepts.
There are thousands of characters lined up with millions of possible combinations for a unique approach to Character Design to explore... It’s becoming somewhat of a trend for artists to start experimenting with mashing character designs together, but it’s still all too safe and samey. Having scanned and scraped the internet from modern day to decades ago; you can access and take advantage of millions of possible idea combinations that bring FanArt full circle, so much so that you’re technically creating a brand new character all together!
A little more about our Fan Art Fusion Idea Generators:
Is it a Superhero or Villain? There’s no enemies here as you decide what they become when they finally join forces through your creative imagination and artistic abilities.
Unfortunately for them, these iconic Movie and TV stars will have to share the limelight as you fuse them together to form a brand new Character Design.
From retro 8-bit platformer characters to fully rendered RPG heroes of today, they’re all about to join forces as you fuse these timeless video game characters together.
There’s even more magic to be had from some of animations most iconic and make believe characters as you fuse them together to form a new creation!
What happens when even the FanArt Fusions get fused together? No one is safe in their own world! It’s up to you to create someone special from the best of the best.
You could call this cheating, but well, it really falls under creative license to get inspiration from the most popular tried and tested characters to ever exist, only to take the elements that work best (for you) and morph them together. A lot of the distilling process has already been done in terms of design, but as the saying goes ‘there’s nothing new under the sun’ and by tapping into this extensive pool of over 10,000 unique and iconic characters you’ll find a fast and effective route to good character design.
This art prompt idea generator not only enhances your character design skills, but also conditions you to become multi-skilled as an artist by presenting you with different tasks to translate your new character idea. You might just be required to do a ‘Costume Design’, a full blown Illustration, or perhaps tasked to present your Character in a ‘Keyframe’ moment... All of which conditions you to work to set criteria and not aimlessly draw someone else's art, but to make it your own with purpose and practice of what would be expected of you when working in the entertainment industry.