Look for totally unique eye catching NFT Digital Art Ideas??

You’re in for a treat with this digital art NFT art prompt and idea generator, it’s designed to think up ideas that breaking the mould and stand out from the crowd.


Design radically unique and cool looking weapons with this weapon design idea generator. It’s locked and loaded with thousands of weapon types taken from all of recorded history, ready to inspire and influence you with a totally unique approach to weapon design.

A weapon is essentially just like a character; it should reflect the nature of where it belongs, its environment, have a sense of story and ultimately allude to the type of being likely wield it. Weapons are used a lot in the entertainment industry; it’s a specific type of prop geared towards various forms of combat and they often act as support characters to a main character. Aesthetically they can be influenced to suit a Medieval, Modern, Fantasy and Sci-Fi worlds, or sometimes an absolute mixture.

This website is dedicated to randomly generating drawing ideas for amateur and professional artists! So if you're not sure what to draw, you're in luck. Browse the drawing list below and choose the idea generator you want to inspire your drawing ideas.

Get Inspired This Month For Inktober With These Fun, Challenging And Unique Lists Of Art Drawing Ideas!

Inktober Is An Art Based Movement Where Artists Across The World Share Their Drawings For The Month Of October With A Special Focus And Tribute To INK!


Create some cool looking art without having to go through such a vigorous design process and tap into this speedpaint art prompt idea generator. 

It offers a fast and fun approach to create off the cuff drawings and paintings that tests your art skills. A speed painting is a term commonly used in the concept art community for a piece of art drawn or painted within a short space of time (usually 30 minutes), and tends to be based on an initial interpretation of a topic that consists of just a few keywords.


Create unique fan art illustrations inspired by this Warhammer art brief idea generator with various criteria found within the legendary Game Workshop universe!

Games Workshop has brown over the past 30 years with the Warhammer Age of Sigmar (AoS) and Warhammer 40k Universe. The artwork, models and stories have inspired not just Artists but whole gaming properties such as StarCraft by Blizzard entertainment.

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