Blockchain and crypto technology paved the way for NFTs; when you mint (upload) your digital artwork on the blockchain as an NFT then it basically establishes it as THE original artwork because a sort of smart contract has been created giving it a specific identity.
There are a number of different NFT market places, some more established than others, some more exclusive, and some open to all! This article outlines the strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons for the top 8 digital art NFT marketplaces.

OpenSea is the most inclusive of all of the NFT Market places; anyone can sell their NFT digital art!Because there’s no barrier to entry, anything goes really. You may find some hidden art gems but you’ll mostly find lower tier amatuer NFT art. It would be an ideal place starting out as an up and coming digital artist, to build traction whilst promoting your NFTs within a community.
Open sea also offers developers an opportunity to utilise their platform and create their own marketplace, similar to what Rarible have done.
Just like most other NFT art markets, you’ll have to create a MetaMask wallet and make sure you have some ETH handy to mint your NFT artwork.
- Variety of Art & Artists
- Most not so professional
- So much Art
- Range of prices
- Trading cards & collectables
- Prices tend to be lower
- Largest NFT marketplace
- Encompasses all of them
- Create own Marketplace
- Requires MetaMask

Known Origin
Known Origin
This website has a clean layout although there is a heavy emphasis on promoting selected artists. They have lots of countdowns as to when there will be featured Artist NFT drops.Some of the artworks have sold for extremely high prices even when they don’t appear to be technically brilliant. So this website must have a large pool of buyers with a lot of money to spend!
It was quite hard to figure out how to actually become an artist selling NFTs on KnownOrigin, but eventually I spotted a small strip with an application link.
As of this date 6th April 2021, they aren’t taking any more artists!
An email prompt or alert feature would have been nice to alert us in the future. If you are keen on selling at this NFT market place it may be worth following them on social media for any latest updates.
- Variety of Art & artists
- Range of prices
- Requires MetaMask or other wallet
- Easy layout

Makersplace was one of the first ‘high-barrier’ to entry NFT marketplaces I came across. It seems to have built a name for itself and has a lot of big names posting there, people like Justin Roiland the creator of Reggie and Mary minting his first character sketches for sale.
Makers Places really promotes their artists and builds them up, as you would expect any publisher to do with their artists. It's quite like a digital version of the fine art world whereby they actively promote and sell your art.
Unlike some other top NFT marketplaces they seem to set the fees and recurring profits you make as an artist is a standard 10%.
If you’re interested in selling your NFT artwork here then visit this link. There will likely be an identification process.
- Diverse range of artworks
- Still images to short videos
- Mostly single creations
- Mostly high quality
- High prices
- Requires identity authentication

This is a very clean website and gives a highbrow feel to it, not in such a snooty way - but as a brand it looks very ‘designer’ label.That said, there is a broad range of artistic skill levels and from initially browsing the prices range from anywhere between $20 and $5000.
You’ll have to apply to become an artist at, and with an influx of submissions you will no doubt have to stand out. You can apply here.
- Very simple website layout
- Variety of Art & Artists
- Mostly decent
- Well priced items
- Mostly one time items
- Requires MetaMask

This NFT marketplace utilises OpenSea infrastructure but adds its own user interface over the top. There’s a broad range of art here with a lot of different collections with no real barrier to entry. You can also mint multiples of your artwork; just like how you would sell an art print, you can mint 20 or even 100 versions of your NFT art. If you use this approach though, it will mean each individual art token can demand less value. On the upside, this may make it affordable for all buyers. You could potentially make more in the log run, and if you're an artist without a large reputation it will be less risk for buyers wanting to invest in your NFT art.
Overall it’s quite easy to use, although when testing the mp4 video upload, it crashed and didn't work for me. I had since reported the issue and it’s been a few weeks without any fix.
- Great looking website
- Nice range of art & artists
- Tone is quite arty
- Simple to create
- Uses a range of Wallets Inc. MetaMask
- Lots of motion based art
- Seems to be a portal for Open Sea

Nifty Gateway
Nifty Gateway
There’s a lot going on at such as regular drops and an active emphasis on promoting the artists.There’s a range of art both in style and quality, so it could be a good place for all levels to post their art.
To apply to this NFT marketplace you’ll have to first have to answer a series of questions and even post a video of yourself here.
- Random items
- Art quality varies
- Medium - high prices
- Allows for lots of create e.g 1/100
- MetaMask wallet (start with caution)
- Seems hard to figure out

Atomic Hub
Atomic hub
Atomic hub is unique because it utilises its own form of crypto currency called WAXP.Basically it doesn’t deal with ETH and therefore the fees for minting new NFT artwork is minimal. The downside to this is that the barrier to entry is a lot lower on many levels, artistically and also for people that can’t afford regular gas feeds from ETH... So you're likely to get a lot of Art that isn't that great. The filter options can easily counter this though, so you cna cut right to finding the type of NFT digital art you're looking for.
It’s a great space for artists of all levels wanting to sell NFT art in a marketplace. There’s a broad range of projects that utilise WAX infrastructure such as CapCom with Streetfighter collectable cards.
Generally speaking is the main place where Non Fungible Token Art is listed and sold, there’s so many more collections from Alien.worlds to Kogs.
You can create your own collection very easily and start minting your NFT art, you just need to get yourself a WAX wallet.
- Perfect for cards but listings are very low in price
- Requires high sales volume for big earning
- Has different subdomains for different types of art
- Network can be quite laggy
- Requires WAX wallet & Tokens
- Easy to create NFTs

Foundation App is an exclusive NFT MarketPlace.It’s a very design lead website, super nice and clean with an extremely simple user interface. All digital artists should want to be able to sell their NFT art here, but unfortunately for most us we’ll have a hard time getting in.
You’ll need to be voted in by creating your profile and validating it via twitter. Then you basically add your art and use your external community or following to help pump you up into the top 50 voted NFT digital artists, and then you made it!
From a marketing standpoint it’s great for Foundation Marketplace; they get artists to promote their site virally by pinning it to the artist, who basically promotes his own page in order to get votes.
For the artists on there, the exclusivity adds value to their art as buyers know that these guys are likely to already be hot property, or at the very least ‘one of us’ vouched for by the digital art community, or art fanatics in general.
This is the number one pick as it's clearly the number one choice by artists in the digital art community. Exclusive NFT marketplaces like this need to exist in order to set the bar, to create a natural hierarchy for others to aspire to.
- Nice clean and simple design
- Very designer based
- Strong emphasis on bidding
- Focus on Selling single artworks
- A broad range of artworks
- Very community lead